Air Speed
This is the first defence against heat stress and we have a range of fans to suit all requirements.
The Multifan range of fans are high quality and durable, with minimal maintenance, low energy consumption and noise levels and are available for different applications in a range of sizes.
The Galvanised Box Fan provides high air volume and stable pressure; they are easily positioned in walls, giving effective ventilation in large buildings, with an optional cone to increase air output.
CLIMATEC FANSHigh Pressure Cooling System
These highly versatile and effective systems lowers the air temperature by up to 8°C. They work on the principle of evaporative cooling by pushing droplets of water at high pressure into the building.
Operating at 1000 psi, the systems produce water droplets of around 5-10 microns (compared to other systems with droplets of 250 – 450 microns) The smaller the droplet, the more quickly it can evaporate, thus achieving the desired decrease in temperature and airborne dust, ammonia and pollutants, whilst avoiding wet floors, litter or equipment.
The high pressure cooling systems allow cooling anywhere in the building, not just at the tunnel inlet end, and distributes cooling evenly throughout the houses. They are also highly effective in naturally ventilated livestock buildings. Versatile systems constructed from 316 grade stainless steel incorporating a unique nozzle with anti-drip check valve and nozzle seals.
Designed as complete integrated systems specified to the exact requirements of each individual livestock building, easily installed with little or no structural modifications. These effective high pressure cooling systems are suitable for existing buildings or new-build projects.
Evaporative Cooling Pads
These are evaporative pads normally placed at the tunnel inlet end of the poultry house, in front of the air inlets, requiring fans at the opposite end to draw cooler air throughout the building. A circulation of water by gravity is created in honeycomb panels, made in cellulose or plastic, and the incoming air is cooled and humidified.
For further information or advice on any of the range of cooling systems we can offer, or to arrange a site visit, please contact: